Landscape Trends: Synthetic Turf


We’ve been selling artificial turf for years now  thanks to our association with The Synthetic Grass Store and it has become increasingly popular due to rebates from the government, the improved quality and look as well as the ease of care that it provides.

Unfortunately, a lot of people still think “oh no, not fake grass.” If you’re one of those people who feel it’s not worth the time and money to replace your natural grass with artificial turf, here are 7 reasons for you to consider installing synthetic turf:

  • Save, save, save. You’ll save money on lawn maintenance. Imagine sitting in your backyard on a Saturday or Sunday morning, not having to gas up your lawn mower or haul bags of fertilizer to spread on your lawn? With artificial turf, there is no need to weed and feed your lawn anymore.
  • Look green year round. You can still have some green space in your yard. Giving up your natural grass doesn’t mean that you’re giving up on having a natural green color on your property. Artificial lawn grass comes in many different colors, density, and grass blades, so you feel like you have a natural lawn even though the grass is not “alive.”
  • Be trendy. You can incorporate artificial grass with your xeriscape design. Xeriscaping is all the rage right now, not only because you can create interesting textures and features using native plant materials, but the plants also thrive in hot, dry weather conditions. We can help you find the perfect artificial grass to tie in with your existing or planned xeriscape design.
  • Conserve water. It goes without saying that artificial lawn grass doesn’t need to be irrigated at all. You may periodically need to hose away dog waste, but that’s about all you need to do that would require you to use water on your new turf.
  • Rebates. You may be eligible for an artificial grass rebate. City water authorities in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, and Texas are offering rebate certificates for homeowners and others who replace their natural grass with artificial turf. Each municipality has its own standards and policies, so you need to check with your local water authority to see if they issue rebates and what requirements need to be met in order to receive the rebates.
  • Commercial as well as residential. Synthetic Grass isn’t just for homeowners. Apartment complexes, rental units, and commercial properties can also replace their existing turf with artificial grass. Can you imagine the gallons of water that will be saved on a commercial property if its natural grass was replaced by artificial lawn grass? And businesses would save money, too, because their water bills would be lower. Some municipalities may also offer rebates to those, other than homeowners, who want to replace their natural grass with synthetic grass.
  • HOA savings. Some city councils are overriding Home Owner Associations’ rules on artificial turf placement. Some cities, that must conserve water immediately, are telling local HOAs not to punish homeowners for installing artificial grass. Contact your city’s water authority or city government to ask them about your HOA and lawn replacement before you hire a contractor to work on your lawn.

Landscape Trends: Xeriscape

Although it hasn’t stopped raining in what seems like months, for the past few years California has been experiencing severe drought.  So much so that it has changed the way we think about building our homes, buying our appliances, designing our back yards and arranging our landscaping.

This has led to a new trend in landscape design known as “Xeriscaping”.

What is xeriscape? The word is derived from the Greek “xero” meaning dry and “scape” meaning view or scene. Basically, xeriscaping is a landscaping philosophy that uses as many native, drought-resistant plants as possible and arranges them in efficient, water-saving ways.

Those who have never heard the name may already know its techniques, because its principles are commonly used in landscaping and often work well. Some people who are aware of the concept mistakenly refer to it as “zero-scape,” as in the use of no water. Others have a negative perception of xeriscaping, thinking that the practice involves the use of barren, rocky landscapes and a few cacti.

As it turns out, xeriscaping doesn’t have to mean a bunch of tumbleweed from the southwest, because it’s open to the use of native plants, a landscaper can select a myriad of plant varieties from his region. A xeriscaped lawn can look as attractive and colorful as a regular one. If used effectively, xeriscaping can reduce water use for landscapes by 60 percent or more.

Let’s talk about a few practices that can help you create an effective and beautiful xeriscape:

1.  Create practical turf areas:

Xeriscaping does not necisarily mean eliminating all sod or grass and replaceing it with gravel. You just need to take into account where grass will be useful and enhance the landscape, not take away (both physically and visually) from the other plant life.

There are also many different types of grasses, some of which are seasonal, some of which are native to a certain region and work better with low water usage. You can check with your local gardening center to see which kind of grass is best suited for your landscape.

2.  Select the right plants:

Choosing the right plants is probably the most important part of xeriscaping. These plants will be the main attraction and define your landscape. But the location and grouping of plants can greatly affect the amount of water you will use in the long run.

Native plants are usually the best choice for a xeriscaping project.  The use of ornamental grasses, succulents and cacti or aloes, as well as vertica plants which are native to California are best.

Although it’s possible to use plants from other regions, there’s a chance that outside vegetation won’t adapt quickly to a new locale, and you’ll be stuck with an empty lawn. It’s also important, of course, that the plants are drought-tolerant and don’t require much water.

3.  Watering and the right irrigation:

It’s important to know how much water is needed for plants. Some plants can rely on the limited rainwater a region might receive during a drought, but many still need water maintenance, even if it’s just a little.

You can provide plants with efficient irrigation with either a hose-end sprinkler or drip irrigation system. We work with both Rainbird and NDS for our drip irrigation products.

It’s important to keep water as low to the ground as possible to avoid spreading it toward unnecessary locations and causing evaporation.

4.  Use of mulches:

Important for keeping roots cool and minimizing water evaporation, mulch is available in two types: organic and inorganic.

Organic mulch is wood-based, including bark mulch, wood chips and natural wood shavings. Although this type needs to be replaced regularly to keep away rot, wood-based mulch keeps landscapes cool and adds good, complementary color.

Inorganic mulch, on the other hand, is stone-based, such as decomposed granite, gravels, or lava rock. Stones don’t need to be replaced, but they work best in the shade, since otherwise they’ll soak up any heat from the sun and evaporate much-needed moisture.


I hope this will inspire you to prepare for the next big drought. Even though we’ve had record rainfalls…undoubtedly, we will see other dry seasons come.


Different types of Flagstone

So as the “Flagstone Specialists” we get a lot of calls regarding flagstone. The first thing people ask is: “how much does flagstone cost?” That’s tough to answer, and if I can use an analogy, its like calling a supermarket and asking “how much are your vegetables?”

Let me explain why.  Flagstone is a generic term for any sedimentary stone split into layers and laid as “flags” in a pattern on the floor. There are many types of stone that are typically quarried and laid in this manner.

I’ll list a few of the types of flagstone we carry:


This stone commonly found in the Southwest states, like Arizona, is a sedimentary stone formed by layers of sand.  The color patterns are soft pastels and range from beige to red.  Our Arizona Sandstone comes in colors called “Buckskin” which is a gold, “Bucksin” which tends to go from gold to peach, “Rosa” which is a deep pink, and “Red Sedona” which is a terracota red.

Pros: Tends to stay cooler in summer, holds up well in most applications: driveways, walk ways and patios. Very cost effective.

Cons: Very porous and tends to absorb water which can cause damage in colder climates. Due to the porosity it can absorb oil and grease easily. So we recommend good sealing after installation. Some colors can be soft and flaky.


This flagstone commonly found in mountainous areas of Oklahoma, Idaho and Utah, is a form of metamorphosed rock with a glossy smooth surface.  It looks like it has speckles of silver, called mica. The colors are generally greys to golds or a blend. There are some reds, pinks and greens as well but are not as common.  We stock Idaho Quartzites in “Silver”, “Charcoal” and “Gold” at our stores.

Pros: This is a very hearty stone, resistant to wear and tear.  Holds up well in cold weather or rain and stands up to chemicals.  Its a great non-slip surface and is more resistant to staining than sandstone.

Cons: Because it is a hard stone, it is harder to shape and isn’t as easy to form with chisel and hammer.  It also requires a bit more maintenance, regular cleaning and resealing, due to the rough, textured surface.


This stone which comes from the Northeast, usually Pennsylvania and New York, is a blue-green sandstone but denser than the variety found in Arizona.  Colors range from blue grey to khaki to purple. Our Pennsylvania Bluestone comes in three varieties: Blue Blue, Full Color (which is a blend of all three colors) and Lilac. It’s also very popular in cut patterns or Ashlar pattern, which is a combination of squares and rectangles. We also carry treads for stairs and pool copings.

Pros: This is a tough, dense paver with a nice grip for a non-slip surface.  It holds up well in the cold climate of the Northeast.

Cons: Must be sealed to preserve its color, resist any chlorine or saltwater in pools or spas, and to protect it from scratching or staining.


This stone is commonly found in the Northeast, the most common from Vermont.  Most of what we carry here is from India or China.  Slate is a metamorphic rock that is layered with clay like minerals.  They common in a multitude of colors and are often multicolored.  You can find slates in every color of the rainbow from green to blue to red.

Pros: This easy to work with stone can be shaped and formed with no problems. Its ideal for wall cladding as well as for flooring.

Cons: Easily splits and is not usually found in large slabs.  It requires sealing for stain resistance and to reduce efflorescence.


This light colored stone from the plains of Texas and Indiana is a sedimentary rock composed of calcite. Its a natural split surface that can be polished.  The colors tend to lean towards the creams, beiges or greys. We carry a stunning Limestone from Texas called Classic Cream.

Pros: This stone which can be found in ancient Greece and Rome, is long lasting and weather resistant.  It holds up well in most climates and is easy to work with.

Cons: Its very heavy and susceptible to acid.


This variety of limestone is found in some Western states, like Texas and Oklahoma.  But most of what we sell here is from Mexico, Turkey or the Middle East. Travertines tend to range from whites to beiges to golds.  The surface can be pitted or have tiny holes, which are good for grip when used outdoors. Or they can fill those holes and have a very smooth finish or be polished and used inside for kitchens, bathrooms or other interior floors and walls.

Pros: Durable, higher end stone. Stays cool for indoor surfaces. Can be very cost effective.

Cons: Can be difficult to maintain if surface is very pitted.

I hope this has helped explain a few of the differnences you’ll need to know when selecting the right type of flagstone for your next landscaping project.  And if you have any other questions please feel free to contact one of our 4 Los Angeles area stores.




DIY Projects: Left Over Pallets


I get a few calls a week from customers asking me: “what can I do with these left over wooden pallets we got from you?”

The simple answer is to throw them away or bring them back to us and we can always reuse them.

But the fun and creative answer for those of you with a little bit of skill and since of adventure is turn those pallets into a fun DIY project.

If you look online or on Pinterest, you’ll see tons of creative uses for these pallets.

First, determine what type of pallet you have.  Then it will be easier to figure out a good use for them.


Once you’ve established the type, you can get to work dismantling and reassembling them. All you need is a hammer, some paint and nails, construction adhesive and an imagination.

Here are a few of my favorites:


                                                Pallet bench

                                            Pallet desk

                                             Pallet planter

                                   Pallet Shelf

                                           Pallet swing

                                     Pallet work bench

Backyard Trends: Gabions



Since selling stone is our primary business, I am always looking for great ways to display them, whether its flagstone, gravel or boulders and cobbles.  One of the most beautiful ways of displaying boulders and cobbles are Gabions.

For those who don’t know, gabions are a traditional retaining wall system comprised of steel mesh ‘baskets’ filled with rocks.    In landscaping, gabion walls can support an earth wall, stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, and more.

Gabions are nothing new.  They have been used in engineering through out history, from ancient Egypt to medieval Italy. Derived from an old Italian word, gabbione, meaning “big cage.” The cages were originally wicker, but now are usually a welded mesh made of sturdy galvanized, coated, or stainless steel wire that won’t bend when filled with rocks.

What are the benefits of gabion walls?

History has shown that gabions are a lasting solution to soil erosion as well as hillside retention. Other reasons to use them:

  • Aesthetics: Gabions look natural and can tie a house to the landscape by using filler materials excavated from the site or the local terrain.
  • Environmental friendliness: When onsite material is used as filler, transportation costs and associated fuel consumption are eliminated.
  • Sustainability: Used as shade screens in hot climates, gabion walls provide passive cooling; they allow air to move through, providing ventilation.
  • Permeability: Gabions are permeable and free-draining; they can’t be washed away by moving water.
  • Easy installation and built-in strength: The stone fill settles to the contours of the ground beneath it and has such frictional strength that no foundation is required. In fact, the wall’s strength and effectiveness may increase with time, as silt and vegetation fill the voids and reinforce the structure. Another advantage over more rigid structures: Gabions can conform to ground movement.
  • Long-lasting.

Gabions can serve many purposes other than building walls.  They are used for small fences, benches, posts, planter boxes, even barbeque pits or grills and more.  Here are a few cool ones I’ve seen:

Stone is not the only material used to fill gabions.  You can use reclaimed brick or roof tiles, broken concrete, broken glass, wood or branches or anything else you can imagine…but the heavier the material the better it will serve for retaining walls.